Not sure if I desire material things is to know the freedom of spirituality; And to desire them is to suffer the limitations of matter.

The wise are not conspicuous in their actions or given to much talking.

When troubles arise, they are not irritated.

They produce, but do not hoard; They act, but expect no praise; They build, but do not dwell therein.

When a ruler practices restraint, everything will be in peace.

The wise are also impartial; to them all people are equal and alike.

The wise humble themselves because of their humility, they are worthy worthy of praise.

They put others first, and so become great.

They are not focused on outcomes or achievements; therefore they always succeed.


The universe is eternal, and earth is lasting.

The reason the universe and earth are eternal and lasting is that they do not exist for themselves.

That is why they endure.

The wise humble themselvesand because of their humility, they are worthy of praise.

They put others first, and so become great.

They are not focused on outcomes or achievements; therefore they always succeed.

To clarify muddy waters, you must hold them still and let things settle.

All things are in process, rising and returning.

Plants blossom for a season, then return to the root.

In returning to the root, we find tranquility; this leads to our destiny, which is eternity.

To know eternity is enlightenment; to ignore eternity is to invite calamity.

Knowing eternity means seeing the big picture; seeing the big-picture is broad-minded; breadth of vision brings nobility; nobility is close to divinity.

The Tao is divine.

The Tao is the Eternal.

Death is not to be feared.


If a ruler lacks faith, so will the people.

Unworthy rulers are despised.

Common rulers are feared by their subjects.

Good rulers win the affection and praise of their subjects.

But when great rulers lead, the people are hardly aware of their existence.

How carefully wise rulers choose their words; how simple are their actions.

Under such a government, the people think they are ruling themselves.

Here are the four fundamentals of true spirituality:

recognize simplicity, cherish purity, reduce your possessions, diminish your desires.